We provide government clients with detailed analysis and tailored affordable housing strategies to better meet the needs of their communities.

We have worked with more than 40 Councils across Australia on planning strategies to facilitate their involvement in affordable housing.

We deliver:

  • Land audits for affordable housing partnership developments
  • Planning incentives (FSR, height and density bonuses) and related economic modelling, formulae, detailed housing sub-market analysis
  • Detailed site and precinct analysis
  • Affordable housing provisions and controls in LEPs and DCPs
  • Community engagement and education campaigns

We provide Councils across NSW (Greater Sydney and Rest of NSW  regional and rural LGAs) with expert research and analysis to prepare locally-tailored:

  • Local Housing Strategies
  • Affordable Housing Contributions Schemes
  • Voluntary Planning Agreements for the purpose of affordable housing
  • Evaluation frameworks to monitor the impact of established Affordable Housing Contributions Schemes

We provide applicants with expert advice regarding facilities, design, amenity and plans of management in order to ensure compliance with assessment under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) and relevant State Environmental Planning Policies, particularly Social Impact Statements, Social Impacts Assessments and Social Impact Comments to accompany Development Applications.

We provide expert assistance and advice to public and private sector clients across Australia (ACT, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory) to plan for and deliver affordable housing.

Affordable Housing Needs Assessment & Delivery Options: Bays West Precinct
Placemaking NSW
The Bays West Precinct is an 80 hectare harbourside staged urban renewal area located in Rozelle. JSA provided advice to Placemaking NSW regarding the quantum, nature, mix, location and delivery options for the provision of affordable housing across the stages of the redevelopment precinct, to the extent that information was available.
JSA considered the need for affordable (including social and diverse) housing within the relevant catchment and the mix of affordable housing required to meet the needs identified across the affordable housing continuum of social housing, time limited and in perpetuity affordable rental housing (including discount market rent and key worker rental housing), shared equity purchase and private market products that were lower cost by virtue of their size, amenity or construction methods.
JSA also explored the potential for, and relative benefit of, on-site versus off-site delivery in terms of social mix, economic efficiency and relative yield whilst taking into account the relationship of the precinct to key employment centres, transport nodes and the availability of suitable public land elsewhere. JSA also identified and modelled opportunities available under SEPP (Housing) 2021 including FSR and height bonuses, and other compatible forms of delivery such as boarding houses, co-living housing and seniors housing.

Development Of An Affordable Housing Strategy For The City Of Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour City Council
Like many regional towns in Australia, the City of Coffs Harbour is experiencing an acute housing shortage with increasing affordability issues for very low, low and moderate income households.
JSA has worked with Council to develop an Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan that will provide initiatives that can be undertaken by City of Coffs Harbour to assist the delivery and construction of affordable housing within the LGA.
Public exhibition of the draft Affordable Housing Strategy was carried out in September and October 2023 and staff are currently reviewing feedback and submissions received. The Strategy will be presented to Council following the review of submissions.

Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme for Lismore City Council
Lismore City Council
Lismore City Council currently has a strong need for affordable housing in the Region which has been exacerbated by the recent devastating floods. Council acknowledges that without intervention this lack of supply will not be met and has engaged JSA to assist in the preparation of an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme which will provide a planning framework under which Lismore City Council can receive developer contributions for the specific purpose of affordable housing provision. JSA will build on research and data provided in the Lismore Affordable and Diverse Housing Strategy and carry out viability testing on areas identified in the Growth and Realignment Plan and prepare a draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme and the accompanying work and reports necessary, including a Planning Proposal to amend the Local Environmental Plan.

Illawarra Shoalhaven Affordable Housing Strategic Options Report
Business Illawarra
JSA’s Illawarra Shoalhaven Affordable Housing Strategic Options Report was launched by The Honorable Paul Scully, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, on 26 July, 2023.
The Report has been developed in response to serious concern across a wider range of private, public and community sector bodies in the Region about the growing affordable housing crisis, and the impact that this is having on regional economic growth, the ability to attract and retain low, very low, and moderate income key workers, and the wellbeing of the wider community.
The research has been commissioned by Business Illawarra, the Region’s peak business organisation, with support from a range of private, government and community sector agencies including: the Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation (ISJO), consisting of Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama and Shoalhaven Councils; Warrigal Aged Care, one of the Region’s largest aged care providers; The Housing Trust, a regional Community Housing Provider operating primarily in Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama LGAs; MMJ Real Estate and the Property Council of Australia, the national group representing property developers and owners.  Links to the various Reports and Appendices follow.

Background Report,   Case Studies and Strategies,  AH Strategic Options Report – Summary
Appendix 1 Occupation and Industry Groups,  Appendix 2 Data and Analysis on Socio-Economic Context,   Appendix 3 Caravan Parks, MHEs and Boarding Houses,     Appendix 4 Affordable Housing Need by LGA, Appendix 6 Modelling on Potential Affordable Housing Partnership Sites, Appendix 7 ISR Atlas of Selected Indicators

Affordable Housing Strategy for The Queanbeyan-Palerang Local Government Area
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
In 2022 JSA was engaged by Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council to prepare a draft Affordable Housing Strategy to understand the current and projected need for affordable housing in the LGA and which identified a series of clear actions Council could take to promote the delivery of more affordable housing.
The Strategy was a combination of both strategic and statutory planning recommendations under its Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and also demonstrated how Council could align with the relevant objectives of the NSW Housing Strategy 2041 and the South-East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036.
The Strategy included the preparation of a Background Paper by JSA to provide the evidence base for the Strategy and to support Council and the local community in advocating for increased government resources and funding.
The Strategy, as prepared by JSA, was adopted by Council in April 2023.

Affordable Housing Discussion Paper for City of Newcastle
City of Newcastle
JSA has prepared an Affordable Housing Discussion Paper for the City of Newcastle to assist Council in understanding current and projected need for affordable housing, and issues that may influence the delivery of affordable housing in the future. The Paper has a particular focus on vulnerable and at-risk groups and newly emerging vulnerable communities, where housing needs may have been exacerbated by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Discussion Paper provides detailed research on current and future demographic trends and projections; a detailed analysis of the housing market and affordable housing need by target group with a particular emphasis on more vulnerable groups and individuals; a preliminary analysis of the extent to which the market is likely to be able to meet the need for affordable housing for those most vulnerable in the community; an analysis of State, regional and local planning and policy; and a preliminary analysis of the planning mechanisms and strategies most likely to be effective in the local context to increase the supply of affordable housing for those in greatest need.
The Discussion Paper is accompanied by a Case Study Booklet that sets out a range of practical examples of good practice in planning, development and design of affordable and diverse housing from previous research and practice undertaken by JSA that could be adapted to the City of Newcastle context.

Affordable Housing Strategy for Bega Valley Shire Council
Bega Valley Shire Council
JSA has prepared an Affordable Housing Strategy for Bega Valley Shire Council that provides a framework to respond to local housing need to 2040.  The Strategy provides an evidence-based approach to increasing the supply of affordable housing for key target groups, focusing on strategies likely to be most effective in the local context.
The Strategy was developed following extensive and rigorous research and detailed analysis including current and future demographic trends and projections; consultation with key stakeholders; the housing market and affordable housing need by target group at appropriate geographic scales; the economic, land supply and planning context; key potential development partnership sites with respect to neighbourhood character, constraints, issues and opportunities, and economic feasibility; a preliminary feasibility assessment of an affordable housing contribution scheme in the Bega Valley context; and the development of innovative and affordable housing options to guide the future residential growth.

Developing an Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme for Inner West Council
Inner West Council
JSA has worked with the Inner West Council since 2017, providing technical analysis and advice to develop its strategic response to the need for affordable housing in one of the most desirable, expensive and least affordable housing markets in the Sydney metropolitan area. This work led to the adoption of Council’s Affordable Housing Policy in March 2017. In 2020, JSA is assisting Council again to develop the evidence base to prepare an Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme as per State Environmental Planning Policy No 70 – Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes) (SEPP 70), the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Guideline for Developing an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme including its viability assessment tool.
The Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme aims to facilitate the provision of affordable housing options in the Inner West to meet the needs of very low, low and moderate income households in order to promote diversity, equity, liveability and sustainability; and to set out how, where and at what rate development contributions will be collected by Inner West Council to provide fairness, certainty and transparency for the local community, developers and other stakeholders.

Preparing the Evidence Base for an Affordable Housing Strategy and Contributions Scheme
Cumberland Council
Cumberland Council recognised the need for affordable housing in its local area and its commitment to finding solutions by endorsing the Cumberland Interim Affordable Housing Policy in 2017.
In 2019, Cumberland Council engaged JSA to prepare an Affordable Housing Study to provide a thorough understanding of the area’s housing needs and issues and to examine the most effective strategies and mechanisms that Council could employ to protect and increase the supply of affordable housing in the LGA. JSA’s Affordable Housing Study delivered Council a comprehensive evidence base that included a detailed analysis of the supply of, and need for, affordable housing within the local housing market context; an overview of the relevant local, state and national policy context; a detailed assessment of the most effective strategies and mechanisms that can be used by Council; a selection of case studies of best practice in affordable housing design, development and management from other areas; and an audit of Council sites that would be suitable for affordable housing developments with a CHP, including preliminary economic modelling and estimates of yield. This work provides Council with the evidence base to prepare a detailed Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme as to fulfil the requirements of Section 7.32(3)b of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and State Environmental Planning Policy No 70 – Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes) (SEPP 70) .

Developing an Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme for Byron Shire
Byron Shire Council
JSA first worked with Byron Shire Council to investigate the need for affordable housing and to develop strategies to address that need in 2009.  Byron Shire has long been one of the most expensive and unaffordable housing markets in regional NSW due to high demand.
In 2020, JSA again provided technical expert analysis and advice to Council in order to prepare an Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme as per State Environmental Planning Policy No 70 – Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes) (SEPP 70), the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Guideline for Developing an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme including its viability assessment tool. This work included investigating and preparing evidence of affordable housing need, identifying areas to which an affordable housing contribution scheme could apply, determining a viable affordable housing contribution rate and preparing a planning proposal to amend the LEP to reference the affordable housing contribution scheme.

Affordable Housing Strategy
Griffith City Council
JSA is currently assisting Griffith City Council with the preparation of the Griffith Affordable Housing Strategy 2019.  The Strategy will aim to ensure that residential land and housing markets in Griffith deliver on objectives of affordability, diversity, accessibility and innovative design.  The Strategy will provide Council with direction on how to address the current housing shortage, which is impairing local businesses who are finding it difficult to recruit staff due to the lack of affordable housing. The Griffith Affordable Housing Strategy 2019 will provide valuable economic and social benefits to the City and Region.

Shoalhaven Affordable Housing Strategy
Shoalhaven City Council
Judith Stubbs and Associates prepared extensive research and evidence base to support the Shoalhaven Affordable Housing Strategy. The Shoalhaven has historically been an affordable area, but a range of factors have resulted in it now being one of the least affordable areas for both low income purchasers and renters in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Region. While housing in the Shoalhaven may still cost less compared with much of the Illawarra, the incomes of local people are also much lower due largely to a very high number of older people on pensions and benefits, the influx of lower income households from Sydney seeking cheaper accommodation and high levels of social disadvantage.
The Strategy recognises the need for strong intervention through the planning system and the direct creation of affordable housing; the need for smaller, well located dwellings near transport and services that will also meet the demands of a rapidly aging population as their needs and abilities change over time; as well as culturally appropriate affordable housing opportunities for the Shoalhaven’s Aboriginal community. The Strategy seeks to target the most effective policy solutions in the context of these local challenges and directions.

Affordable Housing Strategy
North Sydney Council

JSA has worked closely with North Sydney Council since 2008 to strategically address the loss of affordable housing in the area including DCP and LEP provisions to support affordable housing, practical recommendations to supply new affordable housing on publicly owned partnership sites.

Affordable Housing Options Paper for Fishermans Bend, Melbourne
Places Victoria

Fishermans Bend is Australia’s largest urban renewal project in the heart of Melbourne. JSA developed a detailed demographic, economic and housing market analysis evidence base for a range of practical options to deliver affordable housing in the precinct.

Planning Controls to Support Housing Affordability & Choice
Wyong Shire Council

JSA worked with Wyong Shire Council to identify how the planning system could be used to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing. A range of detailed practical mechanisms were proposed, ranging from ways of facilitating market delivery to direct provision of affordable housing.

Achieving Affordable and Diverse Housing in Regeneration Areas, Western Australia
Western Australian Planning Commission

The study looked at constraints and opportunities to deliver affordable and diverse housing in four urban regeneration areas in the Perth Peel area. We provided practical recommendations as to how this could be achieved. Many of the recommendations were taken up by government.