We provide government clients with detailed analysis and tailored affordable housing strategies to better meet the needs of their communities.
We have worked with more than 40 Councils across Australia on planning strategies to facilitate their involvement in affordable housing.
We deliver:
- Land audits for affordable housing partnership developments
- Planning incentives (FSR, height and density bonuses) and related economic modelling, formulae, detailed housing sub-market analysis
- Detailed site and precinct analysis
- Affordable housing provisions and controls in LEPs and DCPs
- Community engagement and education campaigns
We provide Councils across NSW (Greater Sydney and Rest of NSW regional and rural LGAs) with expert research and analysis to prepare locally-tailored:
- Local Housing Strategies
- Affordable Housing Contributions Schemes
- Voluntary Planning Agreements for the purpose of affordable housing
- Evaluation frameworks to monitor the impact of established Affordable Housing Contributions Schemes
We provide applicants with expert advice regarding facilities, design, amenity and plans of management in order to ensure compliance with assessment under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) and relevant State Environmental Planning Policies, particularly Social Impact Statements, Social Impacts Assessments and Social Impact Comments to accompany Development Applications.
We provide expert assistance and advice to public and private sector clients across Australia (ACT, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory) to plan for and deliver affordable housing.