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Assisting Applicants with In-fill Affordable Housing State Significant Developments

By 21 October 2024No Comments

JSA is assisting a range of public, private and community sector clients to meet the industry-specific Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for In-fill Affordable Housing proposals, now State Significant Developments.
Under the National Housing Accord, NSW is tasked with delivering 377,000 new well-located dwellings by 30 June 2029. In 2023, the NSW Government made reforms to the in-fill affordable housing provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 to align with the commitments made under the National Housing Accord and incentivise the delivery of additional dwellings and affordable dwellings in NSW through FSR and Height bonuses.
In August 2024, the NSW Government went a step further by introducing amendments that allow more residential developments using the in-fill affordable housing bonus scheme provisions to qualify as state significant development.
JSA provides Social Impact Assessment and Engagement Reports for Applicants of In-Fill Affordable Housing projects that align with the Department of Planning and Environment’s Social Impact Assessment Guideline and Undertaking Engagement Guidelines for State Significant Projects.
We also provide Social Impact Assessments and Social Impact Statements for a range of affordable and diverse housing types including boarding houses, supportive accommodation, group homes, co-living housing, build-to-rent housing, housing for seniors and people with a disability, caravan parks and manufactured home estates.