We have a sound legal and practical understanding of the NSW Standard LEP Template, relevant sections of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (NSW) and related practice directions including the development of Planning Agreements and related policies and procedures under Section 7.4 and Section 7.11 and 7.12 regarding local infrastructure contributions, and in providing expert evidence to assist Councils and applicants in relation to the social impacts of a range of development proposals.

Social planning and impact assessment for Planning Proposal to rezone existing Bunnings site for mixed use development in Ulladulla
Olivander Capital

JSA provided social planning advice and social impact assessment for a proposed Planning Proposal for the rezoning of existing industrial land to provide the opportunity for medium and high residential development, commercial premises, childcare and affordable housing. The proposal site is currently occupied by a Bunnings which would be relocated to another site nearby. We prepared a detailed social and community needs assessment of existing community services and facilities context and requirements for the proposed future population in terms of need for child care services, community facilities, passive and structured open spaces.
The Planning Proposal (rezoning) application to amend planning controls that apply to the site under the Shoalhaven Local Environment Plan 2014 was on public exhibition from 25 November 2024 to 15 January 2025.  For more information please see  https://getinvolved.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/pp-131-st-vincent-street.

Social Planning and Social Impact Assessment for Kings Forest Town Centre
Leda Holdings Pty Ltd

JSA provided detailed social planning advice and social impact assessment for proposed modifications to approved plans for the Kings Forest Town Centre Precinct, a State Significant Development that will be one of the largest projects for new housing and employment in the Tweed Shire over the next 25 years. Modifications to the plans approved in 2010 included a greater number of dwellings, greater diversity of housing types and subsequent need for appropriate levels of community open space and infrastructure. JSA carried out a needs assessment of existing and required community services and facilities to respond to the proposed additional population in terms of need for child care services, youth facilities and spaces, community centre and library spaces, primary and high schools, passive and structured open space and public transport services. JSA also provided an affordability assessment and advice for the Applicant regarding the delivery of 20% of the units as social and affordable housing.

Seniors Housing on NSW South Coast, Social Planning and Site Accessibility Assessment
Annsca Property Group Pty Ltd

We provided the applicant of a proposed seniors housing development on the NSW South Coast with social planning input regarding the design principles, operating model, need and demand for the proposed dwelling types, and an assessment of the accessibility of the site as per the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004.

A Community of Interest? Response to Proposed Merger between Kiama Council and Shoalhaven Council
Kiama Municipal Council

We carried out research to explore whether Kiama Municipal Council is a community of interest with geographic cohesion and the extent to which this would be enhanced or compromised by the proposed amalgamation of the Council with Shoalhaven City Council. This project assisted Council with its input to the formal inquiry process around the proposed amalgamation.

Housing, Population and Social Infrastructure Planning
Liverpool City Council

We provided a detailed analysis of existing and projected population and housing supply data and social infrastructure demand in order to assist Council for its review of its current Local Environmental Plan.

Greater Illawarra: The Smart Growth Agenda
Property Council of Australia (Illawarra)

JSA researched economic growth opportunities for the Illawarra Region, using housing market and affordability analysis by LGA and a review of various council planning instruments, to identify opportunities and restraints on housing supply.


Community Needs Analysis: Michael Wenden Aquatic Leisure Centre
Liverpool City Council

This project assessed the extent to which existing facilities at the Michael Wenden Centre are satisfying the recreational needs of the local community, and whether improvements or changes are required to better meet the current and future needs of the local community in the context of projected growth.
The facilities consist of an Olympic size swimming pool, wading, pool, indoor pool area, a gym area and indoor basketball courts.