We provide expert advice on planning, design and management strategies of housing, spaces and service delivery to people with special needs including older people, those with a disability, people with experience of homelessness and Indigenous Australians.

Social Impact Assessment for State Significant Development (proposed aged care facility) in Carlingford under (SEARS) Seniors Housing

JSA completed a Social Impact Assessment for Baptistcare which assessed the likely positive and potential adverse social impacts of a proposal for an aged care facility in Carlingford which included seniors independent living units, a residential aged care facility and a range of community amenities. The SIA was prepared in accordance with the Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARS) Seniors Housing.
The SIA looked at, amongst other things: the supply and need for seniors housing in the locality; amenity impacts of the proposed development; and the need for, and provision of, relevant community facilities and open space in the area, including transport to those facilities and an assessment of accessibility. The Report also acknowledged the positive contribution of the proposed facility to the area and provided further recommendations.

Assessing compliance with “Location and Access to Facilities” requirements for seniors housing

JSA provided Social Impact Comments and Reports on compliance with Clause 26 “Location and access to facilities” of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 for a number of proposed aged care facilities in the Liverpool LGA, including sites at Casula, Liverpool, Smithfield and Canley Vale.
Clause 26 reports require an assessment of whether future residents of proposed developments will have adequate access (as defined in the SEPP) to shops, bank services and other retail and commercial services that residents may reasonably require, community services, recreation facilities, and the practice of a general medical practitioner.
JSA delivered a thorough assessment for each proposal including detailed investigations and ground-truthing for each site and the walking and transport routes to local shops, services and facilities to accurately determine compliance with Clause 26.

Economic Analysis of Common Ground projects
Family and Community Services NSW

JSA carried out two research projects in partnership with UNSW exploring the costs and benefits of two models of supported housing for people with experience of homelessness, the Elizabeth Street Common Ground project in Melbourne and the Camperdown Common Ground project in Sydney. Both projects estimated the social cost of homelessness and used this for a comparator to assess the costs and benefits across society of six different models for supported accommodation for people with experience of homelessness.

Sustainable Solutions for Affordable and Secure Housing for our Ageing and Disabled People
Combined Pensioners and Superannuant’s Association

JSA developed a comprehensive evidence-based housing policy for the CPSA that articulated the issues, obstacles, opportunities and options that actively impact on housing choices for those over 50 and on low incomes and adults with a disability. This policy informed CPSA engagements with government and housing providers, and in submissions to government.

Social Impact Assessment for Group Home at Blacktown
Inspire Care

JSA prepared a Social Impact Assessment for a proposal to develop a group home for people with an intellectual and/or physical disability in an existing house in Blacktown. The group home would provide accommodation and assistance for five residents with approved National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) packages. The group home would be managed and staffed 24 hours a day by an approved NDIS provider (the Applicant).

The Social Impact Assessment was prepared in accordance with appropriate guidelines, principles and relevant legislation, namely State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and the NDIS. The assessment sought to understand and document the nature of the proposal, the proposed target group and the proposed operational model of care. It also explored community need for the proposal in the locality, the likely benefits and potential negative impacts of the proposal and recommended mitigations. JSA also prepared a Plan of Management in consultation with the Applicant.