We are acknowledged experts in housing research, policy and strategy development.
We undertake research, planning and policy development for local, state and federal government clients as well as community and business clients.

  • Housing needs assessments
  • Population, demographic and housing projections
  • Housing market analysis and economic modelling
  • Analysis of infrastructure and service needs
  • Review of local planning schemes
  • Affordable Housing, Aged Accommodation and Urban Settlement Strategies

We focus on affordable and diverse housing for people earning low to moderate incomes and people with special needs including older people, people with a disability and people with experience of homelessness.

We assist applicants with all project types under State Environmental Planning Policy Housing (2021) (SEPP Housing) across NSW in Greater Sydney and regional areas including in-fill affordable housing, boarding houses, supportive accommodation, residential flat buildings, secondary dwellings, group homes, co-living housing, build-to-rent housing, housing for seniors and people with a disability, short-term rental accommodation, conversion of serviced apartments, manufactured home estates, caravan parks, temporary emergency accommodation, dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings in R2 zones, accommodation for renewable energy zone construction workers, temporary housing and transport oriented developments.